With any purchases made through The Crafty Wench you are agreeing to the following conditions
As a customer/viewer of The Crafty Wench, I agree I will not
Redistribute, sub-license or share licensed assets.
Resell any modification of the asset on its own
Make the asset public or share the asset in any way that allows others to download, extract, or redistribute it as a standalone file
Use the Licensed Asset in pornographic, fraudulent, immoral, infringing, illegal, harassing, offensive, or defamatory material
Falsely represent authorship and/or ownership of the Licensed Asset
Allow anyone other than the Licensee holder to customize a digital or physical end product, whether for commercial or non-commercial use. This includes, but is not limited to, “print on demand”, “made to order” or “download on demand” applications.
Resell as digital stock images/downloads.
Provide clients with the source product files.
Use for sale ‘as is’ on Print on Demand products/websites.
Deconstruct illustration/patterns/textures and resell the individual parts.
Use in a manner that allows the end user to edit or generate personalized content (print and digital).
No copyright is given or implied with the sale of any product. All ownership remains with The Crafty Wench. Customers may purchase a license to use product/s as per the terms set out in the license agreement
To use The Crafty Wench designs for commercial purposes a licence is required. There are 5 available licensing options Available Here