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Licenses are required to use The Crafty Wench designs in a commercial way ( to make a profit )

Licensing is based on APPROXIMATELY how many products you would CONSISTENTLY make in a month

Please Note

The product quantity is in relation to the business as a whole NOT just products utilizing The Crafty Wench Designs.

EX: If you produce under 200 total products a month for your entire business, then a Micro Business License is required which must be renewed yearly for continued use of designs

Licences (Excluding Single File) cover the use of the entirety of the Seamless Files in The Crafty Wench shop.

Licences and designs are purchased separately.

You are not required to purchase any Design Licences until the sale of your first product utilizing ANY of The Crafty Wench Files. Then select the Design Licence that best fits your needs.

Single File $20/year

If 1000 or less products are made per month a Single File License is required

Micro Business $125/year

If 200 or less products are made per month a Micro Business License is required

Small Business $250/year

If 200-500 products are made per month a Small Business License is required

Commercial $500/year

If 500 or more products are made per month a Commercial License is required

Extended Commercial $1000/year

If 1'000 or more products are made per month a Extended Commercial License is required

See FAQS or Contact The Crafty Wench if you have questions about Licenses

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